Word limit

When you get the microphone in your hand, will you really have something to say?

This is the question that haunts me. Do I have anything worthwhile to say? Do I really want to hustle to have an online personality and be heard for what i have to say. I think that’s my fear about fame. That when I actually have it, there is really nothing profound to say.

Anyway, I had this thought bcz I was wondering what I should write about today. I realised that in my head, I have a mental budget of words I can muster in a day.

I had 5 calls today, and I am exhausted. I feel like I have used up all my thoughts and my daily dose of alertness is over and all I can do is mindlessly consume content over the internet. Obviously, I know that is a problematic self belief. The metaphor you used to describe your ability may actually restrict the potential of that ability. I try to reframe this idea of a “word limit” and try to imagine an eternal spring of words within me… But well, I’ll tell you when it starts to work.

One of the reasons of my writing block also has been the belief that I don’t have anything profound to write, nothing good to share and nothing worthy of documenting. It is difficult to not be in awe of people who are passionate enough to make content on such a regular basis online. I am shocked that some vloggers not only write, but act out and edit their content. That requires a real motivation in a medium, where it takes a lot of time to become viral. In comparison, blogging seems like a nice, quiet space.

I put writing on a pedestal. It’s the stuff of legacy. It really makes things ever-lasting, and true. If you wrote it, you’ve committed to it. You could be held to it.

If the stakes are this high, I still don’t know what I’d say if I really do get the mic.

… … …

tame shewolf

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